About Us


About Pet Smarty

At Pet Smarty, we are passionate about enhancing the lives of pets and their owners through education and training. Our website is a treasure trove of resources for pet lovers seeking reliable, science-backed information on a wide range of topics, from understanding the unique behaviors of cats and dogs to practical training techniques. Whether you’re curious about the effects of catnip on your feline friend, looking to crate train your dog effectively, or seeking ways to address pet anxiety, Pet Smarty is here to guide you. We believe that a well-informed pet owner is the best kind of pet owner, and our goal is to provide you with comprehensive, easy-to-understand content that helps you build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship with your furry family members.

Pet Smarty is a place where pet owners can learn and grow. We cover a variety of topics, including navigating the puppy phase for first-time owners, decoding common behavioral issues, and introducing new pets to your current ones. Our articles are designed to be both informative and engaging, offering step-by-step guides, tips, and insights into the fascinating world of pet behavior and psychology. From educational toys that keep your pets mentally stimulated to understanding the nuances of cat body language, we strive to cover all aspects of pet care. Join us on this journey of discovery, where we empower you with the knowledge and tools to ensure your pets are not just well-cared for, but also happy and thriving.


About Cestus Corporation

Cestus Corporation, a versatile digital content and website creation publisher, owns an array of websites designed to provide valuable and actionable content. Our sites like PetSmarty.com, ActivewearTrends.com, and CarsOMG.com specialize in pet care, fashion, and automotive insights. We aim to empower our readers with well-researched information across our platforms, including websites covering fashion, health, finance, and more. Our sites reflect our commitment to diverse and informative content in modern living.