Basic Training Commands Every Dog Owner Should Know

Published Monday, October 9, 2023     By Hannah Dorohan

basic dog training commands


The “Heel” command is beneficial for maintaining control during walks. It ensures that your dog walks beside you at all times and doesn’t pull on the leash.

Begin training with a leash and treats. Start walking and say “Heel” as you take a step. If your dog follows suit and walks beside you, offer a treat as a reward. Keep practicing until your dog gets the idea, gradually phasing out the treats.



The “Down” command is a more submissive position for a dog than sitting and can be useful in situations where you need to keep them controlled for extended periods.

To train the “Down” command, hold a treat close to your dog’s nose, lower it down to the ground, and then bring it along the ground in front of them. As they follow the treat, they will lay down. At this point, say “Down” and give them the treat.



The “Off” command is crucial when you want your dog to get their paws off furniture or people. It helps in instilling good manners and respecting boundaries.

Training this command involves waiting for your dog to jump on something or someone and saying “Off” while gently guiding them down with a leash or your hands. Reward them when all four paws are back on the ground.


Drop It

The “Drop It” command can protect your dog from swallowing something harmful and is crucial for their safety.

Start by playing a game of tug with a toy. Mid-game, offer a treat and say “Drop It.” Most dogs will drop the toy for the treat. Reward them when they do, and you can go back to the game. Repeat this multiple times to solidify the behavior.


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