Basic Training Commands Every Dog Owner Should Know

Published Monday, October 9, 2023     By Hannah Dorohan

basic dog training commands

Leave It

“Leave It” is another safety command that can prevent your dog from picking up dangerous items or approaching hazardous situations.

Train this command by placing a treat in your closed hand and presenting it to your dog without letting them take it. Say “Leave It” and wait. Once they stop trying and pull away, give them a different treat as a reward.



If your dog tends to bark excessively, the “Quiet” command can help you control this behavior.

Start training when your dog is barking, say “Quiet” and wait. As soon as they stop barking, reward them with a treat. It’s essential to time the reward well to ensure your dog associates stopping barking with the treat.



The “Stand” command is useful during grooming or vet visits and is generally easier for dogs to learn after mastering “Sit” and “Stay.”

Train this by holding a treat in front of your sitting dog and then moving it out along their line of sight. As they stand to follow the treat, say “Stand” and give them the treat.


Basic commands are the bedrock of a well-behaved dog. These commands are not just for show; they serve essential functions in training more complex behaviors and ensuring your dog’s safety. A well-trained dog is easier to manage and happier, making your life as a pet owner much more enjoyable and stress-free. So, start incorporating these commands into your dog’s training regimen today.

