Decoding Common Dog Behavioral Issues and Their Solutions

Published Saturday, September 2, 2023     By Hannah Dorohan

dog behavioral issues

Owning a dog is a rewarding experience, but it’s not without its challenges. One of the primary difficulties dog owners face is addressing behavioral issues. These issues can vary from minor nuisances to more severe problems that may jeopardize the pet’s well-being or the household’s harmony. This article aims to decode common dog behavioral issues and provide scientifically backed solutions. Understanding the root cause of these issues is crucial in solving them, and a targeted approach can significantly enrich both your life and that of your furry friend.


Excessive Barking

One of the most common complaints among dog owners is excessive barking. While barking is a natural form of communication for dogs, excessive barking can be disruptive and indicative of underlying issues like anxiety, boredom, or territorial behavior.

It’s essential to identify the trigger for your dog’s excessive barking. Is it a specific stimulus like a doorbell, or is it more generalized, stemming from separation anxiety? Once identified, you can use techniques such as desensitization or “quiet” commands to mitigate the behavior. For instance, if your dog barks at the doorbell, train it to associate the doorbell with positive experiences like treats.



Destructive chewing is another prevalent issue. Dogs, especially puppies, explore the world through their mouths. However, unchecked chewing can lead to destruction of property and, in extreme cases, pose a risk to the dog’s health if they ingest harmful substances.

Provide alternatives like chew toys or bones to channel your dog’s chewing into a non-destructive activity. Training commands like “leave it” can also be useful in stopping your dog mid-action. Make sure you also offer plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to rule out boredom as a reason for destructive chewing.


Jumping on People

Dogs often jump on people out of excitement or an attempt to establish dominance. While it may seem cute when your dog is a puppy, this behavior can be problematic and even dangerous as your dog grows.

Training your dog to sit on command can be an effective solution. Encourage this by rewarding the sitting behavior with treats or affection. Be consistent in your training and ensure that everyone in the household follows the same rules and commands to avoid confusing the dog.

