Decoding Common Dog Behavioral Issues and Their Solutions

Published Saturday, September 2, 2023     By Hannah Dorohan

dog behavioral issues

Leash Pulling

Taking a walk can become a struggle if your dog constantly pulls on its leash. This behavior not only makes the walk uncomfortable for you but can also be harmful to your dog’s neck and spine.

Training techniques like the “turn around” method, where you change your direction every time the dog pulls, can be effective. A front-attaching harness can also distribute weight more evenly, reducing pulling and providing better control during walks.



Dogs may dig for a variety of reasons: boredom, excess energy, or even to escape. Whatever the reason, it’s a behavior most owners would like to curb.

Offering alternative activities such as toys or treat puzzles can redirect your dog’s focus. For those attempting to escape, ensure the yard is secure and consider the factors that might make your dog want to leave, such as fear or isolation.



Aggression in dogs is a severe issue that can result from multiple factors, including fear, territorial instincts, or past trauma.

If your dog shows signs of aggression, consult a veterinary behaviorist for a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan. Never attempt to correct aggressive behavior through punishment as it can exacerbate the issue.


Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is often manifested through destructive behavior, howling, or attempts to escape when you’re not around.

Create a safe space for your dog and make your comings and goings less dramatic to alleviate the symptoms. Training your dog to associate your departure with positive experiences like receiving a treat can also be beneficial.


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