Decoding Common Dog Behavioral Issues and Their Solutions

Published Saturday, September 2, 2023     By Hannah Dorohan

dog behavioral issues

Food Aggression

Food aggression can be particularly challenging to deal with, as it directly involves the dog’s survival instincts.

Training methods like hand-feeding and the “leave it” command can be used to address this issue. Always consult a professional if you’re dealing with severe food aggression as improper handling can escalate the situation.


Ignoring Commands

Sometimes dogs seem to ignore commands, not out of stubbornness but often due to a lack of understanding or distraction.

Regular, consistent training is the key to enforcing commands. Make sure you’re clear in your instructions and reward good behavior immediately to reinforce the learning.


Fear of Loud Noises

Many dogs are terrified of thunderstorms, fireworks, or loud household noises like vacuum cleaners.

Desensitization methods, where you expose your dog to lower volumes of the noise and gradually increase it, can be effective. Some pet owners have also found success using anti-anxiety wraps or medication in extreme cases.


Understanding the root cause of your dog’s behavioral issues is vital for effective resolution. With proper diagnosis and appropriate training techniques, most behavioral problems can be corrected, significantly improving the quality of life for both you and your pet. Whether it’s excessive barking, destructive chewing, or more severe issues like aggression, there is usually a way to address the problem and ensure a happier, healthier life for your canine companion.

