Signs of Anxiety in Pets and How to Address Them

Published Wednesday, November 1, 2023     By Hannah Dorohan

signs of pet anxiety

Trembling or Shaking

It’s not uncommon to see a pet trembling during thunderstorms or fireworks, but consistent, unexplained shaking could be a sign of anxiety.

If trembling or shaking occurs frequently and without a discernible cause, consult your veterinarian. They may recommend diagnostic tests to rule out any underlying medical conditions before diagnosing it as anxiety-related.


Aggressive Behavior

Anxiety can make pets more defensive, leading to aggressive behavior like growling, hissing, or even biting.

Aggressive behavior is a serious issue that should be addressed immediately. Consult a veterinarian or a certified pet behaviorist to determine the best course of action for treatment.


Avoidance or Escaping Behavior

An anxious dog or cat may attempt to escape from situations that trigger their anxiety. This could be as simple as hiding, or as serious as trying to run away.

Understanding what triggers this behavior is the first step in treating it effectively. Counter-conditioning techniques can be helpful in desensitizing your pet to the anxiety-inducing stimuli.


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