The Benefits of Crate Training Your Dog and How to Do It Right

Published Tuesday, December 12, 2023     By Hannah Dorohan

crate training your dog

Crate training is a subject that frequently stirs debate among dog owners. While some view it as a form of confinement, others see its potential as an effective training tool. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of crate training when done correctly and offer a step-by-step guide to help you crate train your dog effectively. Understanding the value and proper methods of crate training can transform the crate from a ‘doggie jail’ to a safe haven for your pet.


Safety and Security

When done right, a crate can serve as a safe and secure sanctuary for your dog. Dogs are den animals by nature, and a crate can mimic that natural desire for a safe retreat.

It’s crucial to make the crate a positive space right from the beginning. Filling it with comfortable bedding, toys, and treats can help your dog associate the crate with good experiences, making them more likely to use it as a place to relax.


Eases Separation Anxiety

Crate training is particularly useful for dogs that experience separation anxiety. The crate becomes a familiar place where they can feel safe and secure when you are not around.

However, crate training should be introduced gradually, particularly for dogs with severe separation anxiety. Starting with short intervals and gradually increasing the time your dog spends in the crate can help them get accustomed to your absence without increasing their anxiety levels.


Aids in House Training

Crate training can be a helpful tool in housebreaking a new puppy or an adult dog. Dogs typically don’t like to soil their sleeping areas, making the crate a useful tool in teaching bowel control.

When implementing crate training for housebreaking, it’s essential to ensure your dog is let out regularly to do their business. Make sure to establish a routine that includes ample time outside the crate for your pet to relieve themselves and exercise.


Facilitates Travel

Whether it’s a trip to the vet or a family vacation, having a crate-trained dog makes travel safer and less stressful for both you and your pet.

Before undertaking any travel, acclimate your dog to the crate in a moving vehicle for short trips initially. This can help to minimize any motion sickness or anxiety your pet might experience during longer journeys.


Reduces Potential Damage

A crate can help reduce the likelihood of your dog causing damage to your home, particularly when they’re young and still learning boundaries.

It’s crucial to remember that the crate should not be used as a punishment. If your dog associates the crate with negative experiences, they’re less likely to willingly spend time in it, defeating its purpose as a safe space.

