The Benefits of Crate Training Your Dog and How to Do It Right

Published Tuesday, December 12, 2023     By Hannah Dorohan

crate training your dog

Easier Vet Visits

Visits to the vet are often stressful for dogs. However, if your dog is already accustomed to spending time in a crate, the experience becomes much less traumatic.

Getting your dog used to a crate at home can make the transition to a crate or confined space at the vet’s office much smoother. This familiarity can be comforting to your pet in an otherwise stressful situation.


Helps in Emergency Situations

In emergency situations, having a crate-trained dog can be an asset. Whether it’s an emergency evacuation or a sudden trip, a crate offers a secure and familiar environment for your dog.

Ensure that the crate is easily accessible and that family members know how to secure the dog in it quickly and safely in case of an emergency.


Streamlines Training

A crate can be an effective tool for implementing a structured training regimen. It helps set up a routine and serves as a controlled environment for specific training tasks.

Work with a certified dog trainer to incorporate crate training into a broader training program for your dog. This ensures that you’re using the crate effectively as part of a balanced training regimen.


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